Personal Collage

This collage represents myself, how I see myself and howI would like others to see me. The heart design in the top right corner represents the people I love: my family and friends. The violin is an important art of my life because I have been playing it since I was seven. The four-leave clover is real and it stands for two things. First my brother, who grows them; second, luck. I have very good luck because I am fortunate of having a house, a family, education and food to eat. The car symbolizes family trips because I really enjoy those vacations. The tree is the love I have for nature. There's a musical note in the bottom left corner which represents my love for music. Besides it, there's a happy face. I always try to be happy and look at the bright side of things.
This project worked out very well. I handed everything on time and faced no big problem. I remember glue spilled on the lower edge of the paper but I was able to clean it before it dried. I thing I would change of it is the background. If I repeated the project I would use a color background to make the collage more colorful.

Colors of the Rainbow

This is an abstract painting. I drew it with thin black marker and colored it with crayon, color pencils, markers and pastels. It is abstract because it doesn't hold an specific meaning. I titled it colors of the Rainbow because it gradually changes through the colors of the spectrum. It was colored using various shading techniques like crosshatching, pointillism and gradation. 
This was a great project because mine turned different from the rest of classmates because of the choice of color order. All my classmates did with no order in specific while I made it like a rainbow. The painting would look better if I had used a less thin black marker.


I drew this eye with pencil, charcoal and used a chalk to blend. I got the inspiration of the eye from a short story I read named the "Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe. It was a mysterious short story about the mind of a criminal. This man killed the man he worked for because of the eye. I enjoyed reading the story an wondered if I could draw an eye. I found it hard to make the pencil and charcoal look more smooth (now I know I can use a blending stick). To make the drawing smooth I used a chalk that was a color light beige. If I repeated the drawing I would make the eye more circular. 


This is a symbolic island which represents myself. It is painted using watercolors. Places on the island are different aspects of myself. For example, the beach with dog footmarks is named Leila Beach after my german shepherd dog. The Pasochoa Mountains representa class trip to the Pasochoa in which I had a very good time.

In this project, black paint spilled over the sea. To hide this, I pasted a painted paper on top of the spill. Next time I work with water colors I will be more careful and use less water.